People Who Failed In the Bible | Finding My Victory In Christ
Oftentimes, we forget that the people in the Bible were human, just like us. They made mistakes. They disobeyed God. They let their flesh control their decisions. They even did things like unjustly murder other people. They weren’t perfect. They are more relatable than we sometimes make them seem or look. Many of the people we often hear stories about in the Bible failed and I’d like to take a look at three of those times. ADAM AND EVE – The fall of humanity Adam and Eve were the first humans God ever created. God created them in His image and called His creation very good (Genesis 1:26-31; Genesis 2:7).…
My Adventure So Far: This Blog’s Original Intention
FIRST STARTING OUT When I first started this blog, I had originally intended for every blog post to start with “My Adventure So Far.” Back then, I thought I was going to view every instance in my life as an adventure. I thought my life would be full of stories I could tell, each one starting with “My Adventure So Far.” I wanted to encourage others to think of the moments in their life, whether big or small, as an adventure, as part of their grand story. But that’s not what happened. I didn’t do that. The adventure that is my life has not looked at all what I had…
Main Verses That Guide This Blog
Life Lived Fully is run founded from Christian values. But it doesn’t really mean a whole lot if I don’t tell you exactly why I am doing this and what I will be basing my posts on. This blog isn’t just me writing for no reason. It does have a basis. Everything you do should have a basis, a purpose, and a guideline. Here is mine. Romans 8:38-39 “For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God…